as we develop a deeper relationship with the earth, the more whole we feel


Georgia Louise

Georgia has completed two years at Gaia School of Healing, with Sage L. Maurer, graduating with a certificate in Herbalism. This course has taught her not only how to make medicine but how to be an advocate for the earth through reciprocal practices and ceremony. Georgia was taught to connect with plants through guided tea meditations, building a relationship with each plant spirit one by one. Georgia continues her journey by getting outdoors in her local habitat and communing with the plants that surround her. Connecting with local herbalists and wisdom seekers from all over.

Turn to Nature, is a way to share her journey with plant medicine.  She finds herbalism to have healing qualities that can support one’s process in coming back to themselves, allowing each person to be their own guide.  She believes that individuals have the ability to heal themselves through earth based education and internal listening. 

She loves to lead plant meditations as a way to let the heart guide you to the wisdom that is available to us all. Allowing Gaia, the earth mother, to guide us back home.

Growing Awareness

Each grow season I commit to growing & finding more local & organic sources to supply my apothecary. With growing awareness of ways to do better for the earth and community it is necessary to adapt with each new lesson. Honoring the land, the elders, and all the spirits of the wild by giving offerings of gratitude and respect. Always asking permission for harvest and in what way I can give back to the earth.